Tuesday, May 22, 2007

my very first spun yarn, and a booga

i did it. i bought a cd spindle ( yes i do know i could have made one, but i am lazy, and the lady i bought it from is a huge sweetheart ). the seller gave me some pretty chocolate merino. i think 1/2 ounce or so. it spun great! then the person who was passing on the oddball charity blanket to me also gave me some nice, soft, australian wool. it was just as nice to spin. that was about 1 and 1/2 ounces. i then plied them together, and this is the yarn i now have.......

and here is my very first booga bag! ipod for scale. i did follow the pattern, but i think the next one i will knit on 13 US. i guess i am a tight knitter? who knew.... i did make some small adjustments, i added a pocket (garter square, felted, sewn in), and a button and loop closer.

here you can see all the 'parts' pre-felt. top - bottom, clockwise:

pocket square, booga bag, loop closure, icord handle. and i had yarn left over. i made all of this with 3 balls of noro kureyon #154. this is how i figured out i must knit tight.

and my niece, modeling the felted booga after all said and done. i hand felted some of the pink noro for the button part of the closure.

and just a nice shot of my mom and my dd playing with one of her wind chimes! *puffy heart*

p.s. i am addicted to knitting, and spinning. i wonder if i can get someone to just buy me a wheel? no way dh will ever spring for one *insert eye roll here*, i can make room for it in the garage and have lots of space to do all y spinning too.. not that i have been thinking about it a lot or anything.

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