Thursday, April 24, 2008

trying to be organized ...

leaves me frustrated. I totally lack the gene that makes someone want to organize (you know, color coded closets and always perfectly made bed- like Martha Stewart). I want to be more organized. Just imagine how much more time in the day I will save if I know exactly where X is, instead of the current method of "where did i leave it? I know I was wearing Y when I last had X..." Trust me, it would be HOURS!

In an attempt to be more productive, I am putting myself on a task schedule (at least, for starters, on the computer). This will entail one hour in the morning to check messages and emails, check any and forum threads that I am currently researching, and delete the eleventy-seven spam messages I get every frackin' day. Then I am aloud a second hour in the evening to update my blog and etsy shop (if needed) and then just browse on the forums (ravelry, knittinghelp, and cafemom..)

Think this will work? I am hoping by being a little more strict with my time it will actually give me more of a push to get my knitting projects done, my housework done, and eventually lead to me having a clean, organized and productive living space. Baby steps. Also? I signed up for the yahoo group. I won't be starting with "Shine Your Sink!!1!!!!" but using it as a template.

Also... I am hoping to find a means to help with the family bills (since etsy isn't *sad sigh* ) and still maintain being at home with Peanut. Right now, this is my biggest priority (staying home) but I want to ease some of the financial burden from DH (not STASHING yarn and fiber will help too *blush*)

(*heehee*- last night I had a little dream that I was asked to dye-for pay- tons of yarn for my LYS. Wouldn't that be awesome? I wish we could afford for me to buy a huge order of wholesale blank yarn to sell in etsy. But at this time, it's just a pipe dream *very sad sigh*)

So, for you destashing fiber artists, how do you decide when it's time to destash something? I love all of my yarn, and most of it has a specific project in mind. It's hard for me to decide if I should sell some of my yarn or keep it. I do not plan on buying any more yarn until I have significantly decreased my current stash (barring buying yarn to knit DH Cobblestone. This is something that will happen as soon as I decide on the perfect yarn) and spun up my fiber stash, not counting the cotswold fleece as that I have no idea what I will do with it.

Thanks for stopping by, I know this posts isn't too thrilling ;)

1 comment:

  1. Flylady will overwhelm you with emails. My sink has been super shiny a few times.

    I think its great that you are limiting your time on the can steal your whole day.
