Sunday, April 20, 2008

SHEEP! (picture heavy)

Todays posts is really just pictures. These are some of the sheep I saw at the Puyallup Spring Fair. We were also able to pet a lovely lamb named Charlie, but I was so distracted by his extreme cuteness, that I failed to get a photo! He was so sweet and soft. Peanut loved seeing all the sheep and wool. When we walked into the Shepherders Extravaganza, we were greeted by the sight of about a half dozen spinners! Peanut looked over and said "She's makin yarn Mommie!" There were a few commercial , smallish vendors here, but it was really about the small farm sheep. And I swear, Crown Mountain Farms is begging for me to order some Corridale Pencil Roving! They were at Madrona in February, and again here at the Spring Fair! I will order some, as I love spinning from pencil roving (so much easier to have practically no drafting!) And they have beautiful colors as well as a great deal on undyed roving :)

On to the sheep!Gotland Ewe

Merino (Not sure of breed) Ewe and Lamb

Jacob Ram

Romney Sheep

White Blue Faced Leicester Ram

Lincoln Ewe

Black Blue Faced Leicester Ram

A sheep being Sheared. She was very quiet and seemed unconcerned, even with a smallish crowd of people watching!
Five and a quarter POUND of Cotswold fleece. White, and the ewes' name is Rosie, six months of growth (Spring cut fleece). This was a gift from the DH! What a keeper!
Just beautiful curls. This sheep if from Muddy Meadow Farm


  1. You got a whole fleece? Wow. I look forward to seeing what you do with it! :)

  2. Yes i did! It's lovely, and i picked because of the soft curls. I hope to spin it so the lock structure shines instead of being hidden :)
