I recently received the Los Scarabeo deck, after positively charging the deck and letting it acclimate for a few days, I chose this deck for the reading.
I lit a candle for concentration and grounded myself.
I chose to use the Scarab spread shared in the Lo Scarabeo booklet.
This spread channels the essential essence of the scarab, helping you clarify your direction, gain insight into your situation and decide on an appropriate course of action—whatever your challenge might be.
Here is my draw:

And my interpretation, with help from Aecletic:
1. "What I want"
3 of Swords-Clarity/Cutting Truth
2. "What I need"
X, The Wheel-(reversed)movement, change and evolution
3. "Need to Know"
Queen of Chalice/Cups- (reversed)work on having more empathy?
4. "working against me"
4 of Pentacles/Coins- (reversed)Greed working against me. I need to relax a little, be less worried about loss of what I have - it's not going anywhere. Focus, instead, on how to make the best of what I've got while I'm around to enjoy it.
5. "working for me"
2 of Staves/wands-choice about where I put my energy and passion is to be made, but if my instincts are right, the choice will be a right one. So, I am understanding to trust my instincts, it's working FOR me.
6. "need to abandon"
10 of Swords-(reversed) Need to let go of my fears of thing not going right not working out. I'll be ok.
7. "need to embrace"
IX, the Hermit-a card of connections and enlightenment. a desire to just "be alone". Need to embrace this time to retreat and concentrate.
8. "the Aggressors Path"
King of Swords-To take matters into my hands i need to use wisdom and be objective to find solutions to situations now and in the future.
9. "the Believers Path"
V, the Hierophant-Faith. If i choose the path of a Believer, have faith that my choices will be best and that the Divine will guide me and lead me the right way. "Either give up that which you fear to lose so it no longer holds any power over you, or consider what you will still have if your fear comes to pass"
Overall, I really like this spread. As I didn't present the cards with a specific question, rather a general concentration on me and what I needed to know at this point. I believe the cards are guiding me to trust my instincts, not be stressed and fearful of my choices or situation. To have more empathy and to enjoy what I do have. I also think that the cards are encouraging me to make time to focus on my Spiritual journey and to be more of a hermit ;).
If you read Tarot, suggestions and thoughts would be welcome. I am very new to readings!
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