Monday, February 2, 2009

February Goal

So, the goals I want to concentrate on first will be:

1. Have a family budget.
2. Eat better! Less junk, more fruits & veggies.

To accomplish the first goal, I need to sit down with the Mr. and write out all of our current reoccurring bills, as well as what he spends weekly on gas and such. We also need to set out a food budget and after all that, see if we have some left for fun money.

The second will take A LOT of effort om my part. We share a home with my parents, and so no matter what I do as far as food we buy, I still have to contend with anything my parents buy. We share food, nothing gets designated to whomever buys it. I have issues with eating stuff because I like the way it tastes. I need to start by making breakfast everyday. Oatmeal and fruit, or eggs with wholewheat toast. Healthy snacks for us, yogurt, fruit.. Lunch can be sandwiches, salad, soups with crackers. Maybe a later snack for Peanut if she is hungry before dinner has started. Dinner needs to contain way more veggies (and not constantly green beans or corn from cans), occasionally pasta, more brown rice less white rice, and healthy, lean protein.
Cookies need to be only homemade (since this lessens the amount of cookies available, I would have to make them if I want them ;). Ice cream needs to be no more than once a week. Candy, only if we go to the movies (this is a super rare occasion). Fast food, no more than once a week, or twice if I choose a HEALTHY salad and grilled chicken or fruit with water. Other junk, like chips, only occasionally, perhaps once every two weeks?? Maybe depending on what else I have eaten that day..

This isn't going to be easy for me, specially if I have a hard time convincing the Mr. to go along with it.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your goal, I have an older version of finance software if you would be interested in it. We are also trying to eat healthier (I know you can't tell by all the cookies I eat at knitting)

    Anyway as for the budget thing, I run a local coupon group
    I am also a member Its very good support for spending less
