Monday, February 2, 2009

Personal Challenges

Savvymercury on ravelry posted about iCiNG's Transformation Challenge.
Now, I don't follow the iCiNG blog, but the idea is intriguing. Even though February has already started, I decided to jump in (since I have been needing to make some changes, but needed some push to get me started).

So I though I would set a list of challenges I want to accomplish this year, and try to at least get one new transformation set each month. Make the new change a new habit.


1. Move! Go for a walk (weather permitting), maybe use a exercise video.
2. Eat better! Less junk, more fruits & veggies.
3. De-clutter our home. Start with our bedroom.
4. Knit and/or spin some everyday.
5. Get me and Peanut on a daily schedule regarding meals and some set learning time.
6. Read more books.
7. Have a family budget.

So the next post will be picking and expanding on a goal for this month. I'll try and pick at least one goal per month, and hopefully each new challenge will become a permanent habit.

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